
Sitka Local Foods Network

Increase the amount of locally produced and harvested food in the diets of SE Alaskans

Contact Info
Location & Map

408 Marine St., Box D
Sitka, AK 99835
Get Directions

About Us

A non-profit organization whose mission is to increase the amount of locally produced and harvested food in the diets of Southeast Alaskans

Food, Gardening & Foraging

Sitka Community Food Assessment

Joint Project of SLFN & Transition Sitka

Struggle to buy the foods you prefer to eat?  Have food stored in case of an emergency?  Able to access the local, wild foods you love?  Take the Sitka Food…

Art & Music, Visual Arts

Sitka Farmers Markets 2024

A fundraiser for Sitka Local Foods Network.

September 7, 2024
10:00 am  - 1:00 pm
ANB Founders Hall