Neva Mathias head shot from 2021 SJ post

Alaska Native Artists in Residence

Neva Mathias at SJ Museum - Hands-on classes & more!

Date & Time

July 23, 2024

Event Venue(s)

Sheldon Jackson Museum
104 College Drive
Sitka, AK 99835

Event Cost


Event Links
Event Organizer(s)
Event Details

From July 23rd to August 11, 2024, the Sheldon  Jackson Museum Artist in Residence will be Neva Mathias, Cup’ik grass weaver and dance fan maker. Mathias will conduct classes on July 26, and on August 1 & 2. Plus, she will give a dance performance on August 9.

See image below for a complete listing of her events. For more details, visit the Sheldon Jackson Museum July to August Calendar.

  • Jul 23 – Aug 11: Neva Mathias, Cup’ik grass weaver and dance fan maker
  • Aug 20 – Sep 8: Jim Hart, Tlingit carver
  • Sep 12 – Oct 2: Tina Harness, Yup’ik beader
  • Oct 3 – Oct 24: Denali McGlashan, Unangax painter

In addition to creating art at the museum and studying the permanent collection, resident artists will also hold lectures and hands-on-classes. Follow Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum on Facebook for event details and more or visit