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Brave Heart Buoys & Chairs

Online auction of Buoys & Chairs to raise funds for BHV.

Date & Time

September 4, 2024

Event Venue(s)

Online Auction

Event Links
Event Organizer(s)
Event Details

From September 4 – 11 will be the “Online Auction of Buoys & Chairs” to raise funds for BHV.

  • On display in downtown Sitka – Display lasts all summer & online auction is in Sept.
  • Brave Heart Volunteers will start hanging buoys and placing chairs in storefronts on Monday, April 29.
  • They will be decorating downtown all summer.
  • The idea is to raise $ for BHV programs.
  • Read more about Brave Heart Volunteers and the work they do at https://www.braveheartvolunteers.org/