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Ecology PhD Returns to Outer Coast

Caroline Daws Fall 2023

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Associated Business

We are thrilled to announce that visiting faculty member Caroline Daws will be returning for the 2023-2024 Outer Coast Year Fall Semester.

Caroline first came to Outer Coast in Spring 2022, when she taught two courses, Fungi of the Forest and Intertidal.

She received her PhD in Ecology and Evolution from Stanford University, and her research investigates how symbioses between plants and fungi shape forests and what these relationships can teach us about stewarding ecosystems in the face of global change.

Caroline is currently a Lecturer in Civic, Liberal, and Global Education at Stanford University.

Caroline shares her excitement about returning to Outer Coast this fall:

“I love working with students to help them realize the scientific expertise they already have. Ecological ways of thinking are one tool we can use to understand the ecosystems around us and how we connect to them. In Sitka, we get to build a relationship with this very special place, and that exploration is transferable — it connects us to other places and builds skills for getting to know future places.  

And by living in community, we aren’t limited to just a few hours in the classroom each week. Beyond what we explore together in class, I learn with students as community members, and we all learn from the land.”

Read more about Outer Coast at  outercoast.org

Apply for 2023-2024 Outer Coast year at https://outercoast.org/outer-coast-programs/the-outer-coast-year/